HDFaces is exciting technology because it puts a face to a voice and to a screen capture presentation. What will HDFaces mean for your sales?
HDFaces is an added feature for Citrix’s screen sharing products GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar and GoToTraining. Citrix says HDFaces will launch Q1 of 2011.
First let’s talk about the advantages of the technology itself. At least in theory, your participants will feel more in touch with you when they can see you. Also, you can gauge your prospects’ reactions better if you can see them.
Are they leaning back and looking interested, or are they looking away and picking their noses? Do they look confused, attentive, bored?
Depending on their reaction, you can adjust your presentation to eliminate any confusion – even if the prospect doesn’t articulate the resistance to taking action.
Like in a face-to-face meeting, you can read the expression in their face.
As the name implies, HDFaces claims full HD (up to 1920x960p) resolution. They claim that it demands 20% less bandwidth than stand-alone video conferencing solutions, all of which should mean that your presentation is relatively free of interruptions.
Anyone who has run many webinars or meetings knows that as good as the GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar services are, you will encounter occasional interruptions in audio or video. But some of that is due to issues of the ISPs that participants use to connect to those services.
In theory, HDFaces should help you enhance trust, make your prospects more relaxed, since they will have a visual way to judge your sincerity.
With the added trust and relaxation won through your prospect seeing you, you will be able to convince more of your prospects and make more sales.
My feeling is HDFaces is something that you will want to test. In some situations it will benefit you greatly as suggested above. In other situations it will only be a distraction and you will choose not to turn it on.
Since Citrix is integrating HDFaces into GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar at no additional cost, you don’t have to make any decisions whether to upgrade. You will be free to use it or not in the situation that it serves you.
You can get a free trial of GoToMeeting today. It the next couple months your software will automatically be upgraded to include HDFaces.
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